Eurasian osier having reddish or purple twigs and bark rich in tannin.
Examples for "purple willow"
Examples for "purple willow"
1A purple willow plume would make Mario Doro look sophisticated.
1He then sent the children out to get red willow sticks.
2He stuffed his pipe again with fine tobacco and bark of red willow and began.
3She planted near the statue a rose- red willow.
4When the rabbits were cooked, he cut some red willow brush and laid them on it to cool.
5He sat squat whittling away at kin-a-kin-ic, or the bark of the red willow, the hunter's free tobacco.
1The immediate shores were also densely covered with the speckled alder, red osier, shrubby willows or sallows, and the like.
2Before I had done with it my ribs showed through my skin and my back was like a red osier basket.
3Again the speckled trunks of the balm poplars struck my eye, now interspersed with the scarlet stems of the red osier dogwood.
4From my own pasture fence-line will come red osier, dogwood, with its white blooms, its blue berries, its winter stem-coloring, and elderberry.
5C. STOLONIFERA.-RedOsier Dogwood.
1At the point of the lake which projected to the north, they had discovered an osier-bed in which grew a large number of purple osiers.
1I planted the main stock in that corner, then put about a hundred twigs in the swamp for basket willow.